What is Java Language


What is Java Language

  1. Introduction of Java
  2. History of Java
  3. Why was Java invented?
  4. Uses of Java
  5. Features of Java
  6. Different types of Java Applications?
  7. Differentiation with other language: -
    1. C
    2. C++
    3. Python
    4. Java Script
    5. Kotlin
    6. Flutter
  8. How to install and setup Java?
  9. In-depth of Java: -
    1. What is JRE?
    2. What is JDK?
    3. What is JVM?
    4. What are Java Class File / Source File?
    5. What is Java Byte Code?
    6. What is Class?
    7. What is Data type?
    8. What is OOPS Concept?
    9. What is Access Modifiers in Java?
  10. Sample Programs in Java: -
    1. Hello World
    2. Program with Data Types
    3. Program with Access Modifiers
  11. Comparison of Java Programs with other Language Programs: -
    1. Hello World in C
    2. Hello World in C++
    3. Hello World in Python
    4. Hello World in Kotlin
    5. Hello World in Java Script
    6. Hello World in Flutter
  1. Introduction of Java: - 
    • Java is used to create complete applications, standalone applications, network applications that may run on a single computer or be distributed among servers and clients in a network. It can also be used to build a small application module or applet (a simply designed, small application) for use as part of a Web page. 
    • Java is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It was originally designed for developing programs for set-top boxes and handheld devices, but later became a popular choice for creating web applications. The Java syntax is similar to C++, but is strictly an object-oriented programming language.
  2. History of Java: - 
    • In the year 1991 group of Sun Micro-Systems Engineers; Bill Joy, James Gosling, Mike Sheradin, Patrick Naughton, and several other individual people met at a place called Aspen. Colorado for first time  and they decided to design a computer programming language that could be used for consumer electronics devices like cable  TV set-top boxes, television. As these devices do not have a lot of power of memory, the language had to be small and dynamic.
    • When the language was in its vision stage, they also had to consider the fact that the language should be platform independent. These group of people were from a UNIX background, they decided to build this new language on Object Oriented Programming concept same as that of C++ and not on Procedure Oriented Concept as of C.
    • The naming of Java – Initially James Gosling and his team decided to name this language as ‘OAK’ because James Gosling had an OAK tree in front of his window at his work place ( Sun Micro – Systems Office).
    • The team later got to know that there was another programming language naming ‘OAK’.  Because of this scenario the team later renamed the language from ‘OAK’ to “JAVA”.
    • In 1994, the people at Sun Micro – System decided to build a web browser which would be neutral, real-time and secure. The idea of building a web browser came into vision because in this year itself the world was ready for the new area of World Wide Web (WWW) which was growing bigger and bigger very rapidly, so to have benefit of this the people at Sun Micro – System decided to build a web browser.
    • The browser that was developed by Sun people was known as ‘HOT JAVA’.
    • This browser was programmed (written in normal terms) in JAVA language that was demonstrating the power of JAVA. At the same time they also initiated to build applets
    • They made an upgraded version of browser that had feature of browser and applet combined and they can be executed combined.
    • In the year 1996, the first version of JAVA was officially released for public use.
  3. Why was Java Invented?
    • Java was invented to overcome the drawbacks of C and C++ languages. (We will further read about the differentiation of JAVA and other languages).
  4. Uses of Java?
    • Java is used as the server-side language for most back-end development projects, including those involving big data and Android development.

    • Java is also commonly used for desktop computing, other mobile computing, games, and numerical computing.

    • It is also use for developing standalone application for desktops or laptops
  5. Features of Java :
    1. Small and Simple - 
      • When an object of a class is created, memory needs to be allocated. Later on, when the object is no longer required, the allocated memory to the object should be released. In Java, memory allocation and deallocation happens automatically. The process of automatically deallocating memory is called garbage collection.
      • The features and the use of Java is definitely not small, but in terms of coding and programming statements it is small than the C and C++ language.
      • Java has a huge set of in build libraries / classes and objects that makes our coding small as we just have to use them in our program and not write those program by ourselves.
      • Java is also very familiar to the people who have learn or written code in C and C++ language, the coding of Java is very similar to these language syntax, but Java is very much simple to understand and easy to code and also have high security in terms of code files than C and C++ language. 
    2. Object-oriented - 
      •  Java is an object-oriented language and it incorporates the various characteristics of an object-oriented language, such as inheritance and polymorphism. In Java, the entire program code must be encapsulated inside a class. It is purely object oriented programming language because in java everything is treated as an object. Even the most basic program in Java must be written within a class. 
      • Furthermore, Java uses objects to refer to real world entities, such as a game or a game player. 
      • Java has all the major important built-in classes which we can use in our program by inheriting them to our user defined classes.
    3. High Performance -  
      • Java programs are compiled to a portable intermediary code known as byte codes, thus the execution speed and reusability is maximum as compared to C and C++ language. 
      • The compiler of Java translated the programs into smaller byte codes and these byte codes gets executed by using JVM ( Java Virtual Machine). Thus the program written in Java has high performance on every platform it is used.
    4. Robust - 
      •  Robustness means that the java program always forces us to find our mistakes early in program development; it is a strictly typed language. As there are many threats, virus and misuse of resources, Java language ensures that no viruses communicate with applet. 
      • Java is developed with a build in tool called garbage collector, which helps the memory to handle and reduce all memory management problems for the programmers and also make’s the memory faster and reliable for the users. 
      • Java also provides exception handling, with all these features java language is a robust language.
    5. Secure - 
        • Java has built-in security features that ensure that a Java program gains access to only those resources of a computer that are essential for its execution. This ensures that a Java program executing on a particular machine does not harm it. 
        • The absence of pointer in Java, assures that programs can not gain access to your memory location address and systems without proper authorization.
    6. Distributed and Dynamic 
        • Java has built-in security features that ensure that a Java program gains access to only those resources of a computer that are essential for its execution. This ensures that a Java program executing on a particular machine does not harm it. 
        • Java is a distributed language means that using Java programs we can design applications that run on computer networks. 
        • It provides a wide set of library of classes and interfaces under the Java.net package (library). 
        • These interfaces and classes of Java helps the programmer to built networked and internet related applications that can deal with various protocols of internet such as TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, UDP and FTP protocol.
        • Java is a dynamic language; it is capable of linking new class libraries, methods and objects as a single unit called as encapsulation. 
        • These native methods and classes where initially written in C and C++ language than they were migrated to the Java language, still some of the java systems programming is done in C and C++ language which can be dynamically linked with the Java code during runtime.
    7. Scalability -  
        • The new versions of JAVA (J2SE – Java Standard Edition) show the improvement in start time and cutback in the amount memory used in JAVA.
      • Interpreted and Compiled -  
        • C and C++ language are compiled language and Python is an interpreted language where as Java is combination of both interpreted as well compiled. 
        • As the code in Java is converted into byte codes and these byte codes can be directly executed on any JVM supportive platform. 
        • Thus Java is an interpreted as well compiled language
    8. XML, JDBC, GUI and Web application (applet) support - 
        • Java has support for XML ( Extensible Markup Language) and applet programming which can be used for developing web based applications. It can also be used to pass the content of one XML file to another authorized XML document.
        • Java supports connection with the database using JDBC Technologies, JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. It is used for the connection of a java program to the databases in which the data can be stored. Database e.g. ( MySQL, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access)
        • Java application can be developed in GUI based as well. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, in this the user does not need to write commands for executing the program then just need to use the mouse and keyboard to interact the GUI based java application.
    9. Multithreaded -  
        • Java provides the concept of multithreading that allows a program to simultaneously execute multiple tasks by using threads. A thread is the smallest unit of execution in a Java program. 
        • Multi threading mean running multiple set of thread at a time (i.e. performing many operations of a single application in the background or foreground). 
        • Threads are mainly used in network based application in which one block of code controls tasks of one machine and second code controls tasks of another machine. Same concept is applicable for the web applications too.
        • Multi threading is also extensively used in Gaming Applications, Banking Software’s, etc. 

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